Thursday, September 18, 2008

mr. johnny law

Written April 2, 2001

According to the US Justice department; "black men will have a one in three chance of going to prison during their lifetime if current trends continue". Surely you're aware of the "current trends" in which they speak. IE: the unpropitious behavior of the populace like drug dealings for larger rims & manslaughter over who wore what color today. More than 5.6 million Americans are either in prison or have served time there - and according to the reports , that number will continue to rise. But the streets yell it out louder than the PO-PO's paperwork ever could. Ever notice that if the neighborhood is "predominately black" liquor stores happen to be the most common landmark? Few uprising churches, few community colleges, fewer libraries, more abortion facilities, more smoke shops... well these are the things I've noticed over & over again. Almost everyday a young black man is either handcuffed by "johnny law" or his physique is found breathless beneath caution yellow tape on a secluded block in a notorious neighborhood. Nine times out of ten when a black man return home from an institution they're immediately showered, pampered, given money and praised. Like THAT was an accomplishment. There's rarely any tough love. We're usually so happy the person is out of jail we get caught up and forget to pray together. Why do most young men find jail to be glorious? Commit a crime, receive praise? (Even that sentence looks preposterous). Especially from peers and so called "friends". Jail is the new Yale to some of you people. How about, instead of the "FREE such/n/such" on your myspace page... offer that person some FREE knowledge. A push in the right direction. Let's stop condoning this contradictory activity our youth is paying such close attention to.

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